If you would like to apply to be a vendor, please apply here.
Please use the vendor information on this page to help you to plan your market shopping list! We highly encourage the use of our vendor's preorder arrangements. Remember that pre-order methods and deadlines vary from vendor to vendor. Click on the links for full information!
See also the market map.
Benny's Market Rebert Farms - fruits and vegetables
(Place order at https://bennys-fruit-market-pa.square.site/ are due by 11am on the Friday before each market.)
Cheverly Breadbasket - breads, pastries, tortillas and salsa
(Download order form; email order to cheverlybreadbasket@gmail.com by 5 am the Thursday before each market. )
Martha's Jams - jams and jellies
(See product list; submit order through Facebook Messenger.)
Natural Nicks Produce - garlic, tomatoes & peppers, baked goods, tomato sauces, fruit conserves, and more
(See https://www.facebook.com/NaturalNicksProduce for product list, and send preorder to Nick.)
New Starts - Live herbs and other plants.
Shlagel Farms - vegetables, fruits, honey, eggs, chicken, plants
(Place order at https://cheverlydrop.square.site/. The online store will go live on Monday mornings and the order deadline is Thursday evenings.)
Simple Pleasures Ice Cafe - ice cream and sorbets
(Check their facebook page for current flavors and send your preorder via email to receive an online invoice.)
Sweet Pea Farms - mushrooms
(Place order at https://sweet-pea-farm.square.site/. At check-out select Cheverly Farmers Market under the delivery section.)
Tastee Food Flavors - Trini flavors that awaken your senses.
Twin Valley Distillery - craft spirits
(After placing order at https://mdwhiskey.com/, please email a message that you wish to pick up at the Cheverly Market.)
Two Oceans Seafood - wild-caught seafood, pasture-raised hormone-free livestock
(See http://www.totfnaturalfoods.com/products-1 for product list, order via email.)
Waltz Farms - beef, pork, lamb, chicken, goat, cheeses
(Place order at https://www.farmmatch.com/waltzfamilyfarm. The store opens on Sundays at 6pm and closes Wednesdays at 10 pm.)